1. HB Marketplace GmbH
  2. Dokumentation für Lieferanten (englisch)

Notifications Webhooks and Emails

Notifications Webhooks




  • Subscription was created

  • Subscription may still be inactive

  • Subscription may still be in trial mode


  • Subscription was started (no trial/trial ended)

  • Subscription was continued after pause

  • Subscription was reactivated after cancellation


  • Subscription has been changed (addons or charges added/removed, payment method changed, address data changed ...)


  • Subscription was paused but not cancelled


  • Subscription was cancelled



  • regular item (not a subscription) was purchased


  • regular item (not a subscription) was cancelled



  • a customer changed his email address via customer portal


  • Webhooks are sent exclusively via HTTP POST to the stored URL

    • the target server MUST support HTTPS (SSL) and provide a valid certificate

    • insecure URLs for endpoints (http://xxx) are not accepted

    • missing or invalid SSL certificates will trigger a failed attempt of the webhook

  • delivery at least once is guaranteed (exception in case of 10 failed delivery attempts, see above "Errors & Retries")

  • the delivery sequence is not guaranteed


  • each webhook contains an X-Webhook-Topic-Header


  • each webhook contains an X-Webhook-Content-Hash-Header

    the hash is generated from the payload (JSON-encoded) and the webhook secret assigned to each supplier as a key (HMAC sha256)

    Example for validation:

    // This assumes the received data has been cast to object/array beforehand by the // used framework
    $calculatedWebhookHash = hash_hmac('sha256', json_encode($receivedWebhookData), $vendorSecret); $hashesMatch = hash_equals($calculatedWebhookHash, $receivedHashFromHeader);
    // TRUE if calculated hash and hash received in X-Webhook-Content-Hash header match,
    // FALSE otherwise
    // If hashes do not match, the Webhook MUST be discarded

Errors & Retries

  • if the receiving server does not respond within 5 seconds with a 200 status code, the send is considered failed

  • failed webhooks are resent up to 10 times, with each attempt increasing the time interval until the next one is sent

    • after 5 attempts, the supplier will receive an email notification with a warning that a webhook could not be delivered yet

  • after 10 failed attempts (approx. 3 days after initial sending) the webhook is considered as finally failed and will not be sent again

    • the supplier is informed about the undeliverable webhook via e-mail


  • Webhooks are versioned via X-Webhook-Version-Header

  • Suppliers may choose the version they prefer

  • if an outdated version is used, an X-Webhook-Version-Deprecated header is sent along with it

  • obsolete versions are not supported indefinitely (Timeline TBD)

    • several warnings are sent via e-mail before shutdown and a fixed date of shutdown is given

Payloads [v1]


{ "order_id": "foo_order123",
"payment_status": "paid",
"contract_number": "23-1002243", "subscription": {
"id": "foobar123",
"status": "active",
"billing_period": 1,
"billing_period_unit": "month"
"plan": {
"sku": "foo_subscription",
"quantity": 8,
"price": "150.00",
"total": "1050.00",
"discount": "10.00",
"taxes": [
"name": "VAT",
"rate": 19,
"amount": "177.84"
"free_quantity": 1,
"currency": "EUR"
"addons": [],
"parts_list_items" : [
0 : "SP-00015",
1 : "SP-00136",
"previous_contract": {
"number": "23-000012"
"discount_codes": [
"customer": {
"id": "foo_customer123",
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"vat_id": null,
"billing_address": {
"company": null,
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"street": "Foostreet 123",
"address_addition": null,
"zip_code": "12345",
"city": "Foocity",
"country": "DE"
"delivery_address": {
"company": null,
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"street": "Foostreet 123",
"address_addition": null,
"zip_code": "12345",
"city": "Foocity",
"country": "DE"


"order_id": "foo_order123",
"contract_number": "23-1002243",
"payment_status": "paid",
"item": {
"sku": "foo_item",
"quantity": 8,
"price": "150.00",
"total": "1050.00",
"discount": "10.00",
"taxes": [
"name": "VAT",
"rate": 19,
"amount": "177.84"
"free_quantity": 1,
"currency": "EUR"
"parts_list_items" : [],
"previous_contract": [],
"discount_codes": [
"customer": {
"id": "foo_customer123",
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"vat_id": null,
"billing_address": {
"company": null,
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"street": "Foostreet 123",
"address_addition": null,
"zip_code": "12345",
"city": "Foocity",
"country": "DE"
"delivery_address": {
"company": null,
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"email": "foo@bar.baz",
"phone": null,
"street": "Foostreet 123",
"address_addition": null,
"zip_code": "12345",
"city": "Foocity",
"country": "DE"


"customer_id": "9aa8b48a-c4d5-48a8-b230-5e9b0bfd5b05",
"customer_name": "name",
"customer_old_email": "old-mail@customer.de",
"customer_email": "new-mail@customer.de",


Notifications Email


A Subscription has been activated.

Order ID: xxxxxxxx-1234-5678-90xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Payment Status: paid

Subscription Details:

  • ID: xxxxxxxx-1234-5678-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Status: active

  • Billing Period: 1

  • Billing Period Unit: month

Plan details:

  • SKU: vendor-sku

  • Quantity: 1

  • Price: 49.00

  • Total: 49.00

  • Discount: 0.00

  • Taxes:

    • Name: DE Umsatzsteuer

    • Rate: 19

    • Amount: 9.31

  • Free Quantity: 0

  • Currency: EUR

Addons: Discount Codes:

Previous contract:

  • Number:

Customer Details:

  • Id: email|0123456789xx0123456789

  • Email: customer@domain.tld

  • Phone:

  • Vat Id:

  • Last Name: Doe

  • First Name: John

Billing Address:

  • City: Berlin

  • Email: customer@domain.tld

  • Phone:

  • Street: Berliner Straße 123

  • Company: Company GmbH

  • Country: DE

  • Zip Code: 12345

  • Last Name: Doe

  • First Name: John

  • Address Addition:

Delivery Address:

  • City: Berlin

  • Email: customer@domain.tld

  • Phone:

  • Street: Berliner Straße 123

  • Company: Company GmbH

  • Country: DE

  • Zip Code: 12345

  • Last Name: Doe

  • First Name: John

  • Address Addition: